Kamis, 09 Mei 2013

5 Posivite Aspect about my Director ( Alvionita Nainggolan ) :
   1. She is very faithful to her friends in any time
   2. She is a very strictand people and not arrogant for  what she has achieved.
   3. She is very responsible for doing all the tasks
   4. She was friendly to everyone, whether male, female, young and old
   5. She was very firm in making decisions that she thought was right

6 Negative Aspect about my Director ( Alvionita Nainggolan )
   1. She likes to talk loudly in public places, regardless of the conditions and situations 
   2. She's very irritable when something inappropriate done by someone
   3. She easily give up when she can not do the job that he can do
   4. She always criticized people who he hates with a coarse and loud voice
   5. She never listened to the opinions of others and criticized by others about the work or duties that
       have been working on

Fadila Zikri
( 102102165 )
D3 Akuntansi


Irna Arina Nasution
D3 Keuangan

positive aspects for alvionita
1. Alvionita is very nice person
2. Alvionita is a wise person in my group, so she's to be a leader in my group.
3. alvionita sometimes care about me and my group  mates
4. Alvionita is a brave woman than another members of my group.
5. alvionita always give smile for all of members group.

negative aspects for alvionita
1. Alvionita looks unmanfull but it fair cause all of members are woman.
2. Alvionita looks not humorist cause she never make me laugh :)
3. Alvionita isn't so many talk cause I start to talk our conversation.
4. Alvionita looks a serious person.
5. Alvionita sometimes make me boring
6. Alvionita sometimes can't understanding by all of members group.


Stevanie Telaumbanua
( 102102057 )

5 positive Aspect about my director ( Alvionita ) :
-concerned with its members
-make friends with anyone
-alvionita always give smile for all of members group.
-alvionita is very nice person
-alvionita is a wise person in my group, so she's to be a leader in my group.

6 negative aspect about my director ( Alvionita ) :
-alvionita looks a serious person.
-alvionita sometimes make me boring
-she likes to talk loudly in public places, regardless of the conditions and situations 
-she's very irritable when something inappropriate done by someone
-sometimes she iss too cool
-she sometimes likes to joke that outrageous


my opinion about my director (Alvionita):

-she's so pretty
-she's also smart
-concerned with its members
-make friends with anyone

-she's a girl who nag
-Sometimes too cool
-likes talking about others
-sometimes likes to joke that outrageous
-angry not clear
-Tantrums own
                                                                                                 nama: sri wahyuni
                                                                                                   nim:  102103002
                                                                                               No.hp: 085763494391

Alvionita Nainggolan
( 102102198 )
D3 Akuntansi

Positive and Negative Aspect of my Member.

Fadila Zikri
Positive Aspect : 1. She is a cheerful woman.
                            2. She is always do the task on time

Negative Aspect : 1. Sometimes she is a slow-minded woman
                              2. She always think she make people in difficultes.

Irna Arina Nasution
Positive Aspect : 1. She is an easy girl to give a good smile to other
                            2. She is friendly, cause  I think she has many friend

Negative Aspect : 1. Some times she not to care about our task in group, maybe she has another task.
                              2. And she sometimes late to give her task to a director

Stevanie Telaumbanua
Positive Aspect : 1. She is a beautiful girl and nice to see.
                            2. She is a friendly woman

Negative Aspect : 1. Some times she late to give her task to director.
                              2. And any time she not to care about our group, maybe she has another task to do.

Sri Wahyuni
Positive Aspect : 1. She always give her task to director on time
                            2. She is a care woman.

Negative Aspect : 1. She is a shy woman
                              2. She is very quite woman.

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